In-person voting
Make sure you know where your polling place is and have a plan for voting day. Same-day voter registration is available in-person on Election Day.
Mail-in voting
Ballots are mailed to all registered voters in Utah. Be sure to register to vote by OCTOBER 25 and mail your ballot before Election Day.
Early voting
Vote early in Utah between OCTOBER 22 – NOVEMBER 1. Same-day voter registration is available in-person during early voting and on Election Day.
Are you ready for it?
Be sure to register online or by mail to vote in Utah by October 25. Same-day registration is also available in-person during early voting, now through November 1, and on Election Day, November 5.
Frequently asked questions
Who can register to vote in Utah?
To register to vote in Utah you must:
- Be a U.S. citizen
- Be a resident of Utah and your election district for at least 30 days before the next election
- Be at least 18 years old on the day of the next election
- Not in prison for a felony (or, if so, have had your civil rights restored)
- Not judged mentally incompetent in a court of law
Can I register to vote on Election Day?
Yes! Utah offers same-day voter registration. Visit a polling location on Election Day, November 5, to register.
What are the voter registration deadlines?
- To submit your voter registration by mail, online, or in person, your registration must be received by October 25.
- Utah also offers same-day voter registration in-person during early voting, through November 1, and on Election Day, November 5. Visit a polling location to register.
What do I need to bring to vote?
In order to vote you need a valid voter ID. This is either a form of ID that has your name and photo, or two forms of ID that have your name and proof of residence.
Accepted forms of ID include:
- Current, valid Utah driver's license
- Current, valid ID card issued by the state or a branch, department, or agency of the United States
- Current, valid Utah permit to carry a concealed weapon
- Current, valid US passport
- Valid tribal ID card, whether or not the card includes a photo of the voter
Or, provide two forms of the following:
- Current utility bill or copy dated within 90 days before the election
- Bank or other financial account statement, or a copy
- Certified birth certificate
- Valid Social Security card
- Check issued by the state or federal government or a copy
- Current, valid Utah hunting or fishing license
- Paycheck from the voter's employer, or a copy
- Current, valid US military ID card
- Certified naturalization documents (not a green card)
- Certified copy of court records showing the voter's adoption or name change
- Bureau of Indian Affairs card
- Tribal treaty card
- Valid Medicaid or Medicare or Electronic Benefits Transfer card
- Current, valid ID card issued by a local government within the state
- Current, valid ID card issued by an employer
- Current, valid ID card issued by a college, university, technical school or professional school within the state
- Current Utah vehicle registration
Voters without ID may be able to vote provisionally.
How can I vote from overseas or in the military?
Learn more about how to vote if you are living abroad or serving in the military.