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How can I vote in Michigan?

In-person voting

Make sure you know where your polling place is and have a plan for voting day. Same-day voter registration is available in-person on Election Day.

Find your polling place

Mail-in voting

Request your mail-in ballot by NOVEMBER 1 and be sure to return it before Election Day.

Request your ballot

Early voting

Vote early in Michigan between OCTOBER 26NOVEMBER 3. Same-day voter registration is available in-person during early voting and on Election Day.

Find your early voting location

Are you ready for it?

If you are not yet registered to vote, don't fret! Same-day registration is available in-person during early voting, through November 3, and on Election Day, November 5.

Find your polling location

Frequently asked questions

Who can register to vote in Michigan?

To register to vote in Michigan you must: 

  • Be a U.S. citizen 
  • Be a Michigan resident 
  • Be at least 18 years old on Election Day
  • Not be serving a sentence in jail or prison

Can I register to vote on Election Day?

Yes, Michigan has same-day voter registration

Within 14 days of an election and on Election Day, voters may only register by visiting their local clerk’s office or satellite office to register in person with proof of residency documentation.

What are the voter registration deadlines?

  • Register by mail or online before October 21, 2024.
  • Same-day registration is also available in-person during early voting and on Election Day. Visit a polling location to register. 

What do I need to bring to vote?

By law, voters in possession of a photo ID must present it at the polls.

A photo ID presented at a polling place does not need to have the voter’s address on it. The name on the identification card can be a shorter form of the voter’s full name. For example, "Bill" for "William" and "Kathy" for "Katherine" are acceptable.

Acceptable forms of photo ID include the following:

  • Driver’s license or state ID card issued by Michigan or another state
  • Federal, state, county or local government-issued photo ID
  • U.S. passport
  • Military photo ID card
  • Student photo ID card from an educational institution
  • Tribal photo ID card
  • Local or county issued government ID
  • Concealed Pistol license

How can I vote from overseas or in the military?