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How can I vote in Maryland?

In-person voting

Make sure you know where your polling place is and have a plan for voting day. Same-day voter registration is available in-person on Election Day.

Find your polling place

Mail-in voting

Request your mail-in ballot before OCTOBER 29 or your online ballot by NOVEMBER 1.

Request your ballot

Early voting

Vote early in Maryland beginning OCTOBER 24 – 31. Same-day voter registration is available in-person during early voting and on Election Day.

Find your early voting location

Are you ready for it?

If you are not yet registered to vote, don't fret! Same-day registration is available in-person during early voting, October 24 – 31, and on Election Day, November 5.

Find your polling location

Frequently asked questions

Who can register to vote in Maryland?

To register to vote in Maryland you must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be a resident of Maryland
  • Be at least 18 years old on the day of the next election
  • Not currently serving a sentence of imprisonment for a felony conviction
  • Not judged mentally incompetent in a court of law 

Can I register to vote on Election Day?

Yes! Maryland offers same-day voter registration. Visit a polling location on Election Day, November 5, to register.

What are the voter registration deadlines?

  • To submit your voter registration by mail or online, your registration must be received by October 15.
  • Maryland also offers same-day voter registration on Election Day, November 5.

What do I need to bring to vote?

Some first time voters in Maryland will be asked to show ID before voting. If you are asked to show ID, please show an election judge one of the following forms of ID:

  • A copy of a current and valid photo ID (i.e., Maryland driver's license, MVA ID card, student, employee, or military ID card, U.S. passport, or any other State or federal government-issued ID card); or
  • A copy of a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, paycheck or other government document that shows your name and address. Current means that the document is dated within 3 months of the election.

Voters without ID may be able to vote provisionally.

How can I vote from overseas or in the military?