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How can I vote in Louisiana?

In-person voting

Make sure you know where your polling place is and have a plan for voting day.

Find your polling place

Mail-in voting

Request your ballot online before NOVEMBER 1 and be sure to mail it before Election Day.

Request your ballot

Early voting

Vote early in Louisiana between OCTOBER 18 – OCTOBER 29.

Find your early voting location

Are you ready for it?

Be sure to have a plan for voting on Election Day, November 5.

Find your polling location

Frequently asked questions

Who can register to vote in Louisiana?

To register to vote in Louisiana you must:

  • Be a U.S citizen 
  • Be a resident of Louisiana
  •  Be at least 18 years old on the day of the next election 
  • Not convicted of a felony (or, if so, have had your civil rights restored) 
  • Not judged mentally incompetent in a court of law 

Can I register to vote on Election Day?

Louisiana does not offer same-day voter registration, so be sure to submit your voter registration before the deadline.

What are the voter registration deadlines?

  • To register to vote by mail or in person, you must register by October 7, 2024. 
  • To register online, your registration must be received by October 15, 2024.

What do I need to bring to vote?

When you go to the polls to cast your vote, be sure to take one of the following:

  • A Louisiana driver's license
  • A Louisiana Special ID
  • LA Wallet digital driver's license
  • A United States military identification card that contains your name and picture
  • Some other generally recognized picture ID that contains your name and signature

Voters without ID may be able to vote provisionally.

How can I vote from overseas or in the military?